Ticonderoga DRI Vision

Vision Set against the scenic backdrop of the LaChute River, Lake George and Lake Champlain, Ticonderoga is a hub for Adirondack and Champlain Valley recreational opportunities and experiences. The downtown is a vibrant, regional business and cultural hub that looks to the future while recognizing its identity as a historic community. At the heart of the downtown is Montcalm Street, a pedestrian friendly corridor that features charming specialty shops and restaurants, a mix of heritage tourism and pop culture venues, arts and entertainment attractions, and contemporary services. The corridor is surrounded by natural beauty and public open spaces that offer visitors and residents an opportunity to experience a variety of outdoor activities within walking distance of downtown.

About Ticonderoga

Downtown Ticonderoga is undergoing a community renaissance which reverberates into every facet of life, fueling entrepreneurial enterprises, community collaboration, increased tourism, and a shared bold vision. Ticonderoga has made extensive investments in downtown revitalization in recent years, including development of the LaChute River Trail, upgraded park facilities, adopting new zoning policies that encourage mixed-use development downtown, and funding façade and other public space improvements. In parallel, private and non-profit organizations have been transforming vacant buildings into mixed-use spaces, establishing a downtown art gallery and co-working space, and choosing downtown Ticonderoga as their community of choice to establish or grow their business. An infusion of DRI funding can help the community to build on these investments and accelerate the transformation of downtown.


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