Ticonderoga To Host Open Houses: Public Survey, Website, & Videos To Launch

Ticonderoga To Host Open Houses: Public Survey, Website, & Videos To Launch

The New York State (NYS) Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) is a state program designed to foster the transformation of community centers and propel them into a new age of sustained prosperity. The DRI typically provides substantial funding to an individual community and their downtown to continue efforts to create vibrant centers for community members and visitors alike. In the past this program has provided $10 million dollars to the winning communities. Ticonderoga has formed a committee to plan for this amazing opportunity as well as other possible NYS Economic Development Programs.

There will be several opportunities for needed public input for this program and other possible NYS initiative applications. One of the most important parts of these applications involve public participation and the committee is asking all citizens to help by contributing your voice and ideas. In order to submit a winning application, the committee needs to hear from you.

A “Live Webinar” Open House will take place on Tuesday, June 7th at 6:00 PM. Pre-registration is required. Following the webinar, you will be able to attend an “On Your Own Virtual” Open House that will be available June 7th through June 21st, 2022.

An “In-Person” Open House is scheduled for Tuesday, June 14th from 4:00 – 7:00 PM at the Ticonderoga Elk’s Lodge located at 5 Tower Avenue in Downtown Ticonderoga.

In addition, a short virtual DRI Community Survey will be available to the public soon to provide input and ideas on your vision for Downtown Ticonderoga.

The launch of the Ticonderoga DRI website and videos are planned for Wednesday, June 1st. You will be able to visit www.TiconderogaDRI.com to register for the “Live Webinar” Open House, access the “On Your Own Virtual” Open House, see notices for scheduled “In-Person” Open Houses, and take the DRI Community Survey. Additional information on the NYS DRI process and guidelines, as well as local efforts will also be available.

“Together in coordination with local and regional agencies, businesses, organizations and you, our local residents, we are working diligently to plan for the economic future of Ticonderoga. We are building a vibrant downtown and business community. As part of this ongoing effort and our economic development efforts, we have formed a committee to plan and apply for the NYS DRI as well as possible other NYS opportunities. We are working diligently to continue to fortify Ticonderoga, create a vibrant economy, and continue to make Ticonderoga an exceptional place to live, work and visit. We need your ongoing participation to make all of this possible,” commented Mark Wright – Town of Ticonderoga Supervisor & DRI Committee Member.

A community in their DRI application must showcase past, current, and future investments as well as work together to create a list of shovel-ready projects and future projects that will be ignited by this effort. There are numerous examples that embody transformative change that have recently occurred in Ticonderoga and through this endeavor the community will continue to focus on our collective economic future. Potential projects as well as past or current investments will be able to be submitted directly on the Ticonderoga DRI website.

NYS’s DRI, a cornerstone of the State’s economic development program, transforms downtown neighborhoods into vibrant centers that offer a high quality of life and are magnets for redevelopment, business, job creation, and economic and housing diversity. These compact, walkable downtowns are a key ingredient to help strengthen the NYS economy. Participating communities will be nominated by one of the state’s Regional Economic Development Councils (REDCs) based on the downtown’s potential for transformation and to receive funding to develop a downtown strategic investment plan and implement key catalytic projects that advance the community’s vision for revitalization. If awarded, NYS provides technical assistance to each community to develop a strategic investment plan that will identify specific projects that align with a unique vision for revitalization of the downtown area. Local planning committees will oversee this effort. Additional projects may be implemented through the CFA process or other funding sources.

“This is your chance to dig in, dream big, and help shape the future of Downtown for your community. All improvements made to Downtown will provide ripple effects throughout Ticonderoga and into neighboring communities. We’re so excited to work on this for Ticonderoga residents and visitors. We truly hope to move the needle ahead for Economic and Community Development by providing greater fortifications to enhance the vibrancy and resilience of Downtown. Please join in, and help us make this happen. Your participation will be the key to this effort being successful.” Elisha Bartlett, PRIDE of Ticonderoga, Executive Director

Please note that the DRI program information and other economic development funding opportunities are pending final announcements from NYS. The Ticonderoga DRI committee is planning to be able to respond quickly to these funding announcements. All information is subject to change and to NYS guidelines/requirements. To learn more about the NYS Downtown Revitalization Initiative visit www.ny.gov/programs/downtown-revitalization-initiative.

Watch for additional announcements on social media and from local economic development agencies. Please attend the webinars, meetings, participate in the surveys, and share with your family and friends. We encourage you to also visit www.TiconderogaDRI.com regularly to stay up-to-date on news, announcements, or to contact the Ticonderoga DRI Committee.

About Ticonderoga DRI Committee: The Ticonderoga DRI Committee has been working collectively and diligently since January of 2022 meeting 2-4 times per month to prepare for the Town of Ticonderoga to apply for the NYS Downtown Revitalization Initiative and/or other NYS Economic Development Programs. The committee coordinated by PRIDE of Ticonderoga and the Town of Ticonderoga consists of a number of local agencies including the Town of Ticonderoga, Pride of Ticonderoga, Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce, Ticonderoga Montcalm Street Partnership, Ticonderoga Revitalization Alliance, Essex County Industrial Development Agency, Fort Ticonderoga, Ticonderoga Central School, and the Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism.