Ticonderoga DRI Effort Featured On ABC News 10
Ticonderoga’s effort to plan, apply for and receive the New York State Downtown Revitalization Initiative was featured on ABC News 10. Check out the story!...
Ticonderoga’s effort to plan, apply for and receive the New York State Downtown Revitalization Initiative was featured on ABC News 10. Check out the story!...
Ticonderoga's effort to plan, apply for and receive the New York State Downtown Revitalization Initiative was featured in Sun Community News! Check out the article!...
The New York State (NYS) Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) is a state program designed to foster the transformation of community centers and propel them into a new age of sustained prosperity. The DRI typically provides substantial funding to an individual community and their downtown to continue efforts to create vibrant centers for community members and visitors alike. In the past this program has provided $10 million dollars to the winning communities. Ticonderoga has formed a committee to plan for this amazing opportunity as well as other possible NYS Economic Development Programs. There will be several opportunities for needed public input for...
Ticonderoga’s effort to plan, apply for and receive the New York State Downtown Revitalization Initiative was featured in Sun Community News! Check out the article!...